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Parent / Guardian Survey
Please take a few minutes to answer this survey if you are interested in receiving college information for your student.
Parent / Guardian Information
Parent First Name
Parent Last Name
Parent Email
Parent Phone (optional)
Student Information
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student Email
Student Birthdate
High School
High School Graduation Year
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Would you be interested in touring a Mid-State Technical College Campus with your student?
Would you be interested in receiving college updates to help your student plan out their post-secondary options?
Would you be interested in receiving information about college planning?
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Yes! Sign me up
Yes, but not quite yet
If yes, what information would like to know? (Please check all that apply)
Upcoming college events for my student based on their grade level.
College preparation emails – how to plan, financial aid, scholarships, college visits, etc.
Dual credit options – how can my student earn college credit at no cost prior to HS graduation.
Youth apprenticeship – how students can receive on the job training and earn a state recognized credential.
Information about technical colleges
Information about any college application process
Information on how transfer works from technical college to university
Student life information, travel abroad, student opportunities.
Please let us know what "Other" is
Please let us know if you have any comments or questions regarding the technical college
Contact Information